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Soft Tissue injuries can be debilitating. Discover how the IASTM Technique can help you.

This technique allows our clinician to get as deep into the tissue as necessary to invoke change, yet be sensitive to patient pain tolerance. As the instrument is moved over the affected area and come in contact with adhesions, they break up scar tissue. In time, this process will reduce or eliminate the adhered fibers, restoring motion and eliminating pain associated with it. It will rebuild your soft tissue injury into healthy functioning tissue.
IASTM can also help soft-tissue injuries such as a strain, sprain, a blow to the body resulting in a contusion, or overuse.
Patients usually receive two treatments a week during a four-to-five week period. Most patients have positive response by the third to fourth treatment.
IASTM, while enhancing the clinician's ability to detect fascial adhesions and restrictions, have been clinically proven to achieve quicker and better outcomes in treating both acute and chronic conditions, including:
Achilles Tendinosis/itis (ankle pain)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (wrist pain)
Cervical Sprain/Strain (neck pain)
Lateral Epicondylosis/itis (tennis elbow)
Lumbar Sprain/Strain (back pain)
Medial Epicondylosis/itis (golfer's elbow)
Patellofemoral Disorders (knee pain)
Plantar Fasciitis (foot pain)
Rotator Cuff Tendinosis/itis (shoulder pain)
Scar Tissue
Shin Splints
Trigger Finger
Women's Health (Post-Mastectomy & Caesarean Scarring)