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•Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are the leading cause of pain, suffering and disability in the American workplace today
•33% of all Workers’ Compensation Dollars are Spent on MSDs
•Total costs of MSDs are estimated to be between $45-54 billion per year
•92% of employees coming through the program stated if they had not come to MedFit, they would have gone to see a physician

Did you know you can Increase the Engagement of your Employees, while Decreasing Absenteeism and Healthcare Costs?
The Workplace Injury Prevention System was developed exclusively at The MedFit Center. We have streamlined the process and have proven that we can seamlessly help companies:
Lower Healthcare (Insurance) Costs
Lower Workers’ Compensation Costs
Lower Pharmaceutical Costs
Improve the Wellness of Your Employees
Create a More Positive Work Culture
Provide Exclusive Benefits to Your Employees

We believe The MedFit Program is supplying a missing component in both healthcare and Employee Health Management. Wellness programs have a limited reach and are still dealing with many illnesses on the back end of the issue. What if you were able to get to many problems before they start? What if a major orthopedic back injury was addressed when it was at a backache or pain stage? Many medical issues start at this stage but are not addressed until they become a large medical issue. We treat muscular imbalances and ergonomic concerns before they develop into a major medical issue. Consequently, the cost is significantly reduced, and the employee is happier and a more productive employee.

Click the link below to read an article about our Business MedFit Program with one of the businesses we contract with.
To find out how MedFit can be the solution to your company's success, please give us a call at 423-677-1980 or email julie@greatbodycompany.com